Friday, July 11, 2014

Marketing to the White and the UN

Hasan Al shareef, certified AGDO members, Mariefareeda, Rashida Amahtullah and ED Chen.
Our mission is to reverse climate change and invest in land projects and seeds for change (producing grass).
Ranya Ben, Storage and workforce housing, REal Estate Property and Plaza, worth 1 mill, Pensacola, Fl.
Habib Ur Rehman, CeO of Abdul Wahab Corporation, Carbon Credit Offsets seller, Pakistan
Thor Olav, Nato, Mentor, Born Global Website.
Damir Agic Analysis (Biomass by 2050)
Invitation to the White 
Franco Baldi technology and Fashion event promoting Radar for Security/Intelligence
Open a Bank account with Zia Nisar Ul Aziz, Pakistan Bank.
Pakistan Today forex market closed at USD 99.99 which mean USD 5000,501.00.
Apply as a member of Intelligence Arch/Westfield. 
Voices of Women Mariefareeda Designs Mariefareeda ?Trinidad And Tobago